A pet is an animal that is kept (mostly by humans) for companionship and enjoyment, as opposed to livestock, which are kept for economic reasons. The most popular are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics or their attractive appearance or song. The term "pet" may also be applied to humans, usually in an endearing way by a lover, dogs significant other cats , or partner horses. Calling another person a pet, though, can just as easily be considered an insult (see "plaything"). While in theory one could keep any animal as a pet, in practice a small number of species of mammals, especially dogs and cats, and other animals such as birds have dominated the pet scene for a very long time. Fish have joined them more recently. Many of these are domesticated while others, often considered novelty pets, are not. With the exception of tortoises, iguanas and non-venomous snakes, few reptiles and amphibians make good pets.